Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Morgan Millen

If you love adventure, then this is the book for you!   This book is called Dandelion Fire by N. D. Wilson.  It is about a boy who is adopted by his uncles, aunts and cousins.  His parents were famous and didn't know how to raise a child.  One day there was a huge lightning storm and the lightning caused many fires.  The fire spread fast!  Henry was taking care of the barn.  He was running home when a dandelion caught his eye.  It was as bright as fire.  The dandelion brought him closer.  Once he got one eye on it, he could not move!  He was struck by lightning which caused him to temporarily lose his vision.  Henry's older sister, Henrietta, thought he was faking because the lightning did not touch him.  His uncle took a cold rag and wiped his face and eyes.  Afterwards, they rushed Henry to the hospital.  The doctors confirmed that Henry was actually struck by lightning, but he wasn't blind.


  1. Morgan, I know that was a long book to read, but I am very interested in that book know!
    Love, Kailey

  2. Morgan,that book sounds very interesting I wonder what Henry is going to do next! Love,Taylor

  3. i will read it becaues i like adventure books

  4. Morgan, I really want to know what happened to this boy? What was his name? Did the lightning strike chage his life in any way? Did it cause him problems or did it help him through life? Mrs. Harris
