Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Morgan Millen

If you love adventure, then this is the book for you!   This book is called Dandelion Fire by N. D. Wilson.  It is about a boy who is adopted by his uncles, aunts and cousins.  His parents were famous and didn't know how to raise a child.  One day there was a huge lightning storm and the lightning caused many fires.  The fire spread fast!  Henry was taking care of the barn.  He was running home when a dandelion caught his eye.  It was as bright as fire.  The dandelion brought him closer.  Once he got one eye on it, he could not move!  He was struck by lightning which caused him to temporarily lose his vision.  Henry's older sister, Henrietta, thought he was faking because the lightning did not touch him.  His uncle took a cold rag and wiped his face and eyes.  Afterwards, they rushed Henry to the hospital.  The doctors confirmed that Henry was actually struck by lightning, but he wasn't blind.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Image result for the fast and the furriest    This book is a perfect book who ever likes dogs. This book is about a boy named Kevin Pugh and a dog. The dog's name is Cromwell. Also if you like sports , i would suggest this book to. This is one of my favorite books so far this year. If you want to now what happens to Cromwell or Kevin you'll have to read this book.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Armani Knox

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Hello this is Armani I am going to tell you about the book. First, the bus gets flipped over and falls in the ocean. Next, the bus starts to sink down in the ocean. Then the howling wind blows them  further in the ocean. Last, lightning hits the bus and thunder knocks out power, cells and everything that uses power. If you are interested in this book I would get the next book Tentacles. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Quinn migliore

Image result for the ninth nugget

Do you like mystery books? Do you like it when good guys catch the bad guys? If so the ninth nugget has both of these things in it and I think you should read this book. Josh has a gold nugget that a rat stole from him when he was horse riding. He found the nugget when he was gold panning. At one part of the story  a cowboy named Thumbs told them a story about bears. Then Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose were walking to their cabin and Josh turned the lights on when they left but they were not on when they were coming back so they thought the bears turned them off. So thought it was a amazing book.


you should read this book because you can learn a lesson
and you should not have to be in time out this book is teaching
you how to make applesauce.  Roscoe wants to be on his  best
behavior for a class trip to the apple orchard.  but no matter how he tries he still ends up in a sticky situation. you should read this book


 I think that you guys should read this book because it's starwars.if you want to know if darth vader dies read the book to find out.


Image result for the one and only ivani just finshed the book i recomend it to russel it is about a gorallia  ho lives in a circus bu anyways i hope to see people reading it

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


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OH NO the plane crashed in the lake there are 6 kids on the plane and 3 parents too they are stranded a long way from home so they have to swim to the closest island and build a fire and wait for people to rescue them and out in the wild there are wolves and bears. 

Monday, September 19, 2016


This book is about how people bullied him and he honged with the wrong people and he got into trouble alot   


Image result for everyday angel

I just finish the book called everyday angel. It is about 1 girl named gabreila but people call her gabby. Then an angel pops up. gabby doesn't know that aria is an angel. You have to find out what Gabby's problem is.why that is her problem

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Quinn migliore

Image result for the school skeloten

I just finished the School Skeleton, it is a mystery book about Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose who find a key and their trying to find what door the key goes to. A person prank's the whole school with the nurse's skeleton and using powder for foot prints and use's notes for keys . If you want to find where the skeleton went, what door the key goes to, and if you like mystery books then I think you should read this book.


Image result for pictures of the magic tree house book earthquake in the early morning I was reading earthquake in the early morning by Mary Pope Osborne it is a really really  good book.  This girl Annie and this boy Jack tried  to get away from an earthquake then the bricks on the floor started to fall then the tree house started to spin.It will be cool if you read it so you can get more information about book because you will have an awesome time reading it.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mrs. Harris

Oh Class! I really hope you love this book as much as I do! I know we have only read 4 chapters, but it is already so exciting! I can't wait for you to come along for Sal's adventures with Gram and Gramps! And oh yeah....the lunatic! Are you wondering why Pheobe calls this person a lunatic? I wonder what they did for her to use such extreme language! And that Mrs. Cadaver! Do you think she really killed her husband and buried him in the backyard?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


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Monday, September 12, 2016


This is a book of cats that live in 
cuckoo square blossom is a cat
that gets almost in trouble then
there is perkinsl he is a other cat
that lives in cuckoo square and
 this book has two stories if you
like cats I recommend this book.


I love mystery and ghost books and
what I found here was the best ghost
 book I have ever seen and read . This book is about
two girls who go to a hotel in Vermont .
They stay there for the whole summer . 
The hotel is named Fox Hill Inn . The two
girls names are Cory and Maddy . Once they
got used to the place they found out the hotel is haunted .
You're going to have to read the book yourself to find out
what happens .

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Quinn migliore

Image result for the invisble island

I just finished the invisible island it's a mystery book it is about Dink,Josh,and Ruth rose finding a invisible island that has treasure on it they found the treasure but then a guy in a boat was going to the island then he turned back if you want to figure out who the bad guys are and you like mystery books then you should read this book.

Friday, September 9, 2016


http://www.thebookdorks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/wonder1.jpg     I just finished Wonder it is a wonderful book to read.It is a boy that has something wrong with is face and he go's to Beecher Prep.The boys name is August Pullman(Or Auggie Pullman).He has make his way though middle school and will he be able to make some new friends?Who knows if he will or will not if you want to know you will have to read the book for yourself!!

Russell Thomas

Image result for a connecticut yankeeMy book is a Connecticut Yankee in king Arthur's court. It is a very hard book. It has old English language that it is hard to understand. There is a lot of knights, kings,  queens, wizards, and more! If you love these things, you will love this book! The book is written by Mark Twain. It is illustrated by Tina Schwart Hyman. If you want to read this book, Come ask me questions!


Ellie's story is a happy and loving book to read. There are some sad parts but not to many. If you like fiction books about dogs or animals i think this book will be great. I think this is a great and perfect book for anyone. I would think lots of people that enjoy reading would totally want this book. Please commit about this book below!!!


Image result for all rise for the perry t cook cover this book is about a boy born in prison and and the police lets him come out of prison and when he got out of prison so when he got his new family he was trying out new things in the world and then he whats to go to jail.

Kailey Taylor

Image result for diary ofa wimpy kid coverJust acouple of days ago I read DIARY of a wimpy kid. If you like hilarious graphic novel chapter books, then this book is for you! this book is about a boy that goes to school, and there is a moldy piece of cheese if you touch it you'll have the cheese touch. Will the cheese touch take place in this book or will something worse happen than that? You'll have to find out!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ms. DuVall

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I loved reading this book! It is about a writing spider named Charlotte and a pet pig named Wilbur. Wilbur's owner Fern is scared that he will be turned into bacon so Charlotte the spider writes messages about the pig in her web each night. Every human is amazed at what she has to say! If you love animals I recommend this story for you! You will have to read it to find out if Charlotte is successful in saving Wilbur's life!